Wednesday, February 10, 2010

MMS and Dental Care

Over the last ten years or so I've experienced intermittent problems with my teeth and gums. Excruciating infections, bleeding, swelling, and tender spots. Usually just around a tooth or two, but a few times it involved my entire mouth. My last trip to the dentist a year ago was when he advised me the only thing that would fix it was a procedure called "planing". This involved going under the gum line to clear out any plaque. I was willing to do anything for relief. What stopped me was the price, even with insurance coverage it was not feasible. They gave me a prescription anti-bacterial mouthwash and sent me on my way. Obviously it didn't help.

A few months ago, the gums around two of my teeth started to swell and bleed again. While eating, I explained to Geoff about the recurring problems I was having and the constant fear of another painful infection. He relayed to me the success Dennis had with brushing his teeth with MMS. That day, following the protocol, I started brushing my teeth with MMS. The taste was unpleasant, but not unbearable. After the first use I couldn't believe how truly clean my teeth felt, like I just had a professional cleaning. Within a day or so the swelling around my teeth was gone. Over the next two weeks I noticed that brushing was free of blood and pain. No more swelling, throbbing, bleeding or pain since. Most importantly thanks to Dennis and Geoff I was able to avoid an expensive and painful procedure by using MMS, costing less than a routine cleaning.

Protocol For Brushing & Flossing (Video)

Order MMS Kits

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What are systemic enzymes?

Systemic is defined in the dictionary as "pertaining to or affecting the body as a whole." An enzyme is a protein, or protein based molecule, that accelerates a chemical reaction. Enzymes cause the reaction to happen faster and more efficiently. So systemic enzymes must be pretty important if they affect the entire body right? Life would not exist without enzymes.

We use enzymes, outside the body, in our day to day lives. That meat tenderizer we put on the steaks we grilled last night is a type of enzyme. It helps break down the protein to make the meat easier for us to chew. Also, the stain remover we put on our clothes before putting them through the laundry helps the detergent work more efficiently. These are just two common
examples. Enzymes are the basis for life, without them leaves wouldn't bloom in the spring, fruits would not ripen and you would be unable to digest food or heal.

Inside our body enzymes are necessary for cellular functions, completion of digestion, nutrient absorption, combating free radicals and supporting liver detoxification.

As we age our body's functions naturally slow down. This includes slowing our ability to secrete enzymes. Most enzymes are produced in our body. The remaining enzymes are provided by raw fruits and vegetables, not cooked (high temperatures during cooking destroys them). Enzyme supplements are a great way to replenish what's been lost by aging or a diet low in enzyme rich produce. In addition, enzymes are crucial to getting full benefit from other supplements you may already be taking (vitamins etc). They are the building blocks that allow other supplements to work correctly. Think of enzymes as the foundation from which to build a healthier well functioning body.

Vitalzym X (enzyme supplement)